The CLD seminars are run by the Chemistry and Light research theme:

Student Leads

January – April (2024)

DateSpeaker(s) / EventTitles
18 MarProfessor Anastasia Bochenkova (Moscow State University)Modelling photoelectron spectra of biological chromophores in the gas phase and solution
11 MarProfessor Caroline Dessent (University of York)Illuminating sunscreens: molecular level insights into the photodynamics of UV filters
4 MarDr Ewen Campbell (University of Edinburgh)Synthesis and spectroscopic characterisation of molecular ions for astrochemical consideration
26 FebDr Nick Walker (Newcastle University)Internal rotation and isomerisation in monohydrates of heteroaromatics: insights from rotational spectroscopy
19 FebDr Andrew Burnett (University of Leeds)Using terahertz spectroscopy to probe the structure, disorder and dynamics in molecular crystals
5 FebDr Federico Hernández (UCL)Modelling excited state mechanisms of molecular aggregates and organic solids
29 JanDr David Bacon (UCL)Direct imaging of excitons in a TMD monolayer using Tr-ARPES
22 JanLauren Cook and James Green (UCL)Which algorithm best simulates non-adiabatic dynamics using the Meyer-Miller-Stock-Thoss Hamiltonian?
Fast, accurate and spin-pure calculation of the electronically excited states of organic hydrocarbon radicals
15 JanDr Felix Plasser (University of Loughborough)Detailed understanding of molecular excited states: from wave functions to design rules

October – December (2023)

DateSpeaker(s) / EventTitles
4th DecProf. Russell Minns (University of Southampton)Using Extreme Ultraviolet and Soft X-ray Pulses in Time-Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy Measurements of Chemical Dynamics
27th NovProf. Graham Worth (UCL)Tutorial Lecture: Modelling Excited-state Dynamics
23rd NovProf. Jonathan Reid (University of Bristol)Exhaled Aerosols and Disease Transmission
13th NovDr. Alice Van Haeften (UCL)Using density matrices to simulate an intramolecular proton transfer
30th OctDr. Rebecca Ingle (UCL)Introduction to Systems at UCL
23rd OctDr. Rachel Crespo-Otero (UCL)Modelling photochemical processes and excited state dynamics in organic molecular crystals
16th OctDr. Graham Cooper (UCL)Electron Resonances in Uracil-Water Clusters
9th OctCLD PIsIntroduction to CLD Groups

May – July (2023)

DateSpeaker(s) / EventTitles
7th SepProf. Wendy Brown (Sussex University)Using surface science to probe astrochemical processes
10th AugUPDICE
Prof. Martina Havenith (Ruhr University Bochum)

Prof. Daniel Neumark (University of California Berkeley)

Prof. Irene Burghardt (University of Frankfurt)
Symposium on Advances in Photochemistry
Caught in the act: Optical Pump THz probe allows real-time observation of the solvent response
subsequent to photoexcitation

Investigating Chemical Dynamics with Attosecond Light Sources

Quantum Dynamical Simulations of Excitonic Processes and 2D Electronic Spectroscopy of
Functional Organic Polymer Materials
19th JunDr. William J. Glover (NYU Shanghai)Pushing (QM/MM) boundaries: simulations of solvent-supported electronic states
5th JunDr. Christoph Schnedermann
(University of Cambridge)
Optical scattering microscopy to investigate ion intercalation in active battery particles
31st MayProf. Dave Townsend (Herriot-Watt)Mapping Extended Reaction Coordinates in Photochemical Dynamics
9th MayProf. Michael R. Wasielewski (Northwestern University)Using Light to Generate Molecular Spin Qubits for Quantum Information Science
26th AprDr. Deborin Ghosh (University of Bristol)Ultrafast photochemical dynamics of p-nitrophenol in aqueous media

January – April (2023)

DateSpeaker(s) / EventTitles
13th MarDr. Jemma Gibbard (Durham University)Dissociation and electron loss dynamics of complex carboxylate anions
6th MarProf. Elizabeth Gibson (University of Newcastle)Dye-sensitized photocathodes for solar cells and solar fuels
20th FebDr. Cate AnstöterModelling the metastable electronic states of the tetracene anion
13th FebProf. Zoe PikramenouLuminescent metal complexes: from molecular to nanopartical probes for detection and imaging
6th FebTBD1st Year PhD Talks
30th JanDr. Nathaniel Gallop (University of Warwick)Understanding Cation-Lattice Interactions in Hybrid Perovskites
23rd JanProf. Carla Figueira de Morisson Faria (UCL)Dissecting intra-cycle quantum interference in photoelectron holography
16th JanDr. Michael Booth (UCL)Light-activated nucleic acids for biology and

October – December (2022)

DateSpeaker(s) / EventTitles
12th DecCLD Christmas PartyN/A
28th NovProf. Sandrine Heutz (Imperial College London)Dynamics of Photoinduced Spins in Molecular Semiconductors Films
21st NovDr. Roopender Kumar (UCL)A radical approach for synthesis of alkylamines using visible-light
14th NovDr. Susannah Bourne-Worster (UCL)The (un?)importance of structure in efficient light harvesting
31st OctDr. Mary Matthews (Imperial College London)Using high harmonic generation for time resolved spectroscopy on organic solids and gases
24th OctProf. Ryan Wang (UCL)How long does it take to reduce a Cu2+ cation? - A study of time in catalysis
17th OctDr. Navendu Mondal (Imperial College London)Hot Carrier Cooling Dynamics in Perovskite Nanostructures
10th OctIntroduction to Research GroupsIntroduction to Research Groups
13th SepProf. Stefan Haacke (University of Strasbourg)Ultrafast Spectroscopy of functional molecular materials for solar energy conversion

May – July (2022)

DateSpeaker(s) / EventTitles
6th JunCancelled:
CLD Committee Representatives
A year in review and looking to the future
30th MayPhD Talks:
Will Fortune

Robin Kerr
3rd Year PhD Talks:
Photodetachment from phenolate in aqueous solution

Nanostructure and evolution of hydrated MAPbBr3 single crystals at low water vapour exposure
24th MayDr. Michael Parkes (UCL)The Photochemistry of Thiophene
12th MayDr. Javier Segarra-Martí (Universitat de Valencia)Connecting Electronic Structure Theory with Non-linear Spectroscopies
9th MayDr. Basile Curchod (University of Bristol)Driving new developments in excited-state molecular dynamics through challenging photochemical applications
25th AprProf. Andrew Ellis (University of Leicester)Spectroscopy in superfluid helium

January – April (2022)

DateSpeaker(s) / EventTitles
28th MarDr. Joseph Beckwith (Princeton University)Shining Light on the 3D Orientation and Translation of a Single Fast-moving Nanoparticle
21st MarRobin Kerr (UCL)

Dr. Barry Mant (UCL)
Photoexcitation of Deep Gap States in MAPbBr3 Single Crystals

Does the photochemical reaction of phenol become ultrafast at the air-water interface?
14th MarDr. Pablo Lemos (University of Sussex)Learning physical laws with Machine Learning
7th MarWomen's Day Session:
Dr. Brianna Heazlewood (University of Liverpool)

Dr. Bridgette Cooper (UCL)

New methods for studying ion-neutral reactions at low temperatures

Electron-molecular scattering with Quantemol Electron Collisions (QEC)
28th FebCLD Poster SessionN/A
21st FebDr. Laura Ratcliff (University of Bristol)Simulating Disordered Supramolecular Materials for Organic LEDs using Large Scale Density Functional Theory
7th FebPhD Talks:
Aysha Riaz

Olivia Dalby

James Green

Leon Cigrang

Nicholas Lau

Kate Robertson
1st Year PhD Talks:
Solution Processed Transparent Conducting Oxides for Electronic Devices

Using Super-Resolution Microscopy to Investigate Immunotherapies

Theoretical Design Rules for Chromophores with Increased Visible Absorption

Photodissociation of Methanol in Icy Grains using Quantum Dynamics

The Hunt for Nitrobenzene

Transient Absorption Spectroscopy of Biomolecules
31st JanDr Sabrina Simoncelli (UCL)Towards quantitative and ultra-resolved 3D super-resolution fluorescence imaging
24th JanCommunity Problem Solving SessionN/A
17th JanDr. Diptesh Dey (UCL)Simulating photoexcitation with a laser pulse beyond the perturbative limit

October – December (2021)

DateSpeaker(s) / EventTitles
6th DecProf. Andrew Orr-Ewing (University of Bristol)Solvent effects on ultrafast photochemical pathways
29th NovDr. Miguel Rivera (UCL)Computational Methods for Photochemistry in Organic Molecular Crystals: Christmas Lights and Pine-Conical Intersections
22nd NovProf. Claudia Draxl (Humboldt University of Berlin)Excitations in complex oxides
15th NovProf. Xiaoyang Zhu (Columbia University)Controlling Excitons in 2D
8th NovDr. Robert Godin (University of British Columbia)Structure-photophysics-activity relationships in carbon nitride photocatalysts and their heterojunctions
1st NovDr. Felix Plasser (Loughborough University)Tuning photophysical properties via excited-state aromaticity
25th OctDr. Sandra Gomez Rodriguez (UCL)Beyond gas phase simulations: adding the environment in quantum dynamics
19th OctLea Ibele (Durham University)

Prof. Anna Krylov (University of Southern California)
Dynamics near a conical intersection - a diabolical compromise for ab initio multiple spawning

New and old challenges in spectroscopy modeling
18th OctDr. James Bull (University of East Anglia)Photochemical dynamics of mass- and isomer-selected anions
11th OctKelechi Uleanya (University of York)

Temitope Abiola (Warwick University)
Collision-induced dissociation and laser photodissociation spectroscopy of N-aromatic metalloporphyrin complexes

Molecular light-to-heat converters for improving crop yield
4th OctJacob Davies (Thornton)

Nicholas Lau (Fielding)

Kate Robertson (Fielding)
Introduction Talks
27th SepMichael Scholz (Fielding)

Barry Mant (Worth)

Tim Hele (Hele)

Robin Kerr (Thornton)

Rebecca Ingle (Ingle)

Unknown (Zwijnenburg)
Introduction Talks

May – July (2021)

DateSpeaker(s) / EventTitles
14th JunSocialN/A
7th JunDr Jimena Gorfinkiel (OU)TBD
24th MayAlice Van HaeftenTBD
17th MayDr Joseph Razell Hollis (NASA)Raman Spectroscopy for Planetary Science: Searching for Signs of Life on Mars
10th MayDr. Alice HenleySolutions to simulating ionisation in aqueous solutions

January – April (2021)

DateSpeaker(s) / EventTitles
22nd MarDr. Barry Mant (Worth Group)The Photoelectron Spectra of a Jahn-Teller System: Modelling Cyclobutadiene
15th MarGustavo Cárdenas (UAM, Madrid)

Junjun Guo (Clarke Group)
An Algorithm to Correct for the Active Space in CASSCF and CASPT2 Calculations for Sampled Geometries

Bimodal Polarons as a Function of Morphology in High Efficiency Conjugated PffBT4T-Polymer/Acceptor Blends for Organic Photovoltaics
8th MarWomen's Day Session:
Prof. Claire Carmalt (UCL Chemistry)

Assoc. Prof. Julia Lehman (University of Leeds)

Sustainable Routes to Functional Materials….And an Academic Career

Reactive Collisions: There And Back Again
1st MarDr. Jose Marin Beloqui (Clarke Group)How I got my fellowship: Triplet-charge annihilation in small molecule donor:acceptor blends as a major loss mechanism in organic photovoltaics
22nd FebPhD Talks:
Simon Shan (Fielding Group)

Robin Kerr (Thornton Group)
3rd Year PhD Talks:
A study of the interaction of cationic dyes with gold nanostructures

Two-Photon Photoemission Spectroscopy on Semiconductor Surfaces
8th FebAss. Prof. Pedro Sanchez Murcia (Medical University of Graz)Computing at the interface: predicting photophysical properties in Chemical Biology
1st FebDr. Tim Hele (Hele Group)Designer lighting: a radical approach to improve organic solar cells and light-emitting diodes
25th JanPhD Talks:
Jaymee Coonjobeeharry (Worth Group)

Harry McGhee (Ingle Group)

Alex Sterling (Fielding Group)
1st Year PhD Talks:
Quantum Molecular Dynamics for Bioluminescence

Investigating photo-induced processes using optical and X-Ray spectroscopies

Probing the electronic structure and dynamics of bioluminescent chromophores using experimental and computational methods
18th JanProf. Julia Weinstein (University of Sheffield)Towards directing photochemical reactions with mode-specific infrared excitation in solution

October – December (2020)

DateSpeaker(s) / EventTitles
14th DecHristo Gonev (Clarke Group)
Adair Nicolson (Thornton Group)
7th DecDr. Jutta Toscano (invited speaker -JILA)High-resolution ro-vibrational and electronic spectroscopy of C60 and breath
30th NovCLD community problem solving sessionN/A
23rd NovDr. Sandra Gómez (Worth Group)Some CAS guidelines & new Maleimides
16th NovDr Sebastian Groh
Javier Sanchez Bautista
Jemima Barnes
Lara Lalemi
Celebrating LGTBQ+ in STEM
9th NovOmri Tau (Fielding Group)

William Fortune (Fielding Group)
Liquid-Microjet Photoelectron Spectroscopy

Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Phenolate
2nd NovDr. Diptesh Dey (Worth Group)Laser Induced Molecular Reaction Dynamics
26th OctRoisin Tapley (Fielding Group)

Thierry Tran (Worth Group)
Photoelectron spectroscopy of gold plasmonic nanostructures

Electronic control of electron-nuclear dynamics using a coherent superposition of states
19th OctDr. Michael Scholz (Fielding Group)Size- and shape-specific spectroscopy of molecular ions using ion mobility spectrometry
12th OctJaymee Coonjobeeharry (Worth Group)
Harry McGhee (Ingle Group)
Alex Sterling (Fielding Group)
Introduction Talks
5th OctOmri Tau (Fielding)
Dr. Lily Ellis-Gibbings (Price)
Dr. Tim Hele (Hele)
Robin Kerr (Thornton)
Junjun Guo (Clarke)
Dr. Sabrina Simoncelli (Simoncelli)
Dr. Martijn Zwijnenburg (Zwijnenburg)
Georgia Christopoulou (Worth)
Dr. Rebecca Ingle (Ingle)
Introduction Talks

May – July (2020)

DateSpeaker(s) / EventTitles
27th JulAnoushka Handa (University of Cambridge; Fielding alumnus)3D Super-Resolution Imaging of Mouse Hippocampus Reveals Postsynatic Diversity Protein Distributions
20th JulJana Ockova (ICFO, Barcelona; Fielding Group alumnus)

Matus Diveky (ETH Zurich; Fielding Group alumnus)
Photon statistics of plasmonically-enhanced single Fenna-Matthews-Olson complexes

Photothermal Single-Particle Spectroscopy: investigating the influence of relative humidity on aerosols’ absorption and scattering
6th JulDr. Naoko Sano (Ionoptika LTD.)
Dr. Kasper Haume (Ørsted)
From Academia to Industry
29th JunPhD Talks:
Sam Armenta Butt (Price Group)
Georgia Christopoulou (Worth Group)
Alex Tanner (Thornton Group)
Alice Van Haeften (Worth Group)
3rd Year PhD Symposium
22nd JunDr. Barry Mant (Worth Group)Modelling ion trap processes using Time Independent Scattering Calculations
15th JunSDG Games Night:
The Pictionary Strikes Back
8th JunDr. Anna Regoutz (UCL):X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy for Electronic Materials and Devices
1st JunSDG Games Night: PictionaryN/A
18th MayProfs. Stephen Price, Helen Fielding, and Graham Worth
Drs. Tracey Clarke and Rebecca Ingle.
SDG Q&A: Everything you wanted to know about academia but were too afraid to ask
11th MaySDG "Pub" Quiz the Third
Hosts: Jose Marin Beloqui and Omri Tau
4th MayDr. Sabrina SimoncelliNanophotonic approaches for nanoscale imaging & single-molecule detection
27th AprSDG "Pub" Quiz
Hosts: Joey Broughton and Will Fortune
20th AprDr. Jose Marin Beloqui (Clarke Group)Transient Absorption Spectroscopy: TAS in Times of Coronavirus
13th AprInaugural SDG "Pub" Quiz
Hosts: Lily Ellis-Gibbings and Alice Henley

January – April (2020)

DateSpeaker(s) / EventTitles
To Be RearrangedProf. Majed Chergui (EPFL, Switzerland, RSC Liversidge Award)
Dr. Rebecca Ingle (UCL)
Dr. Tom Penfold (Newcastle University)
RSC Awards Symposium
To Be RearrangedToby Barnard (Imperial College London)TBD
9th MarDr. Sam Eden (Open University)TBD
2nd MarDr. Sandra Gomez Rodriguez (Worth Group)TBD
24th FebProf. Sandy MacRobert (UCL Division of Surgery and Interventional Science)TBD
10th FebDr. River Riley (Fielding Group)TBD
3rd FebDr. Rebecca Ingle (UCL Chemistry, International Day of Women and Girls in STEM)An Ultrafast Tour of the Electromagnetic Spectrum
27th Jan5 Minute PhD Talks:
Roisin Tapley (Fielding Group)

Thierry Tran (Worth Group)

Photoelectron spectroscopy of hot carrier decay in plasmonic nanostructures

Investigation of charge migration/transfer with full quantum treatment of nuclear and electron motions
20th JanJunjun Guo (Clarke Group)

Robin Kerr (Thornton Group)
Charge photogeneration against the LUMO difference in polymer OPV

Study of Photoexcitation Pathways on CH3NH3PbBr3 Single Crystals

October – December (2019)

DateSpeaker(s) / EventTitles
16th DecDr. Patrick Roberton (University of Bristol)TBD
9th DecDr. Lily Ellis-Gibbings (Price Group)

Georgia Christopoulou (Worth Group)
How Many Ions?

Developing Quantum Dynamical Methods
2nd DecProf. Ian Robinson (UCL Physics)Ultrafast 3-D Imaging of Gold Nanoparticles
18th NovDr. Stoichko Dimitrov (Queen Mary University of London)Excited state dynamics in solution processible solar energy harvesting materials: from fundamentals to material development
11th NovDr. Eryn Spinlove (UCL Physics)Theoretical Methods for the Treatment of Small Molecules: Quantics and RmatReact
4th NovPhD Talks:
Simon Shan (Fielding Group)

Omri Tau (Fielding Group)

The interaction of cationic dyes with a range of gold nanoparticles and nanoclusters

Working towards time resolved liquid-microjet photoelectron spectroscopy of biological chromophores
28th OctDr. Jose Marin Beloqui (Clarke Group)

Alex Tanner (Thornton Group)
Oxygen Influence on the Transient Spectrum on DRCN5T small molecule

Resonant photoexcitation of a realistic TiO2 catalyst
21st OctProfs. Fielding, Worth and Price.Introduction Talks

May – July (2019)

DateSpeaker(s) / EventTitles
8th JulSam Butt (Price Group)

Dr. Michael Parkes (Worth Group)
Dication-Neutral reactions - understanding atmospheric processes

1st JulPhD Talks:
Joseph Broughton (Fielding Group)

Alex Tanner (Thornton Group)

Illuminating the ultrafast dynamics of thiophene

Talk on recent data
24th JunDr. Michael Parkes (Worth Group)TBD
13th Jun3rd Year PhD Practice Talks:
Oscar Williams (Thornton Group)

Anand Patel (Fielding Group)

Alice Henley (Fielding Group)

Atomic and Molecular Insights Into Gold Catalysis


Working towards a solution to simulating aqueous solutions
5th JunMSc/MRes Talks:
Antonia Freibert
Jacob Lee
MSc/MRes Practice Talks
13th MayProf. Gaetana Laricchia (UCL, Physics)Collisions involving Antimatter
1st MayMSci Talks (Extended Symposium):
Will Fortune
Roisin Tapley
Minerva Martinez Miguel
MSci Practice Talks

January – April (2019)

DateSpeaker(s) / EventTitles
25th MarDr. Rachel Crespo-Otero (Queen Mary University of London)Understanding aggregation-induced emission in molecular crystals undergoing excited state proton transfer
18th MarPhD Talks:
Simon Shan

Thierry Tran

Profs. Fielding, Price and Worth

Application of gold nanoparticles/clusters in photoelectron spectroscopies

Investigation of charge migration/transfer in radical cations using Ehrenfest method with fully quantum nuclear motion

Career Pathways
11th MarPhD Talks (Aliceminar):
Alice van Haeften

Alice Henley

Using quantum dynamics techniques to simulate a charge transfer

Working towards a solution to modelling aqueous solutions
4th MarProf. Katherine Holt (UCL)In situ IR spectroelectrochemistry of the electrode/solution interface
25th FebPhD Talks:
Anand Patel

Alex Tanner

Shining new light on the electronic structure and relaxation dynamics of oxyluciferin in vacuo using anion photoelectron spectroscopy and organic synthesis

Photoelectron spectroscopy study of formate and aqueous TiO2 rutile (110) interfaces
18th FebDr Artem Bakulin (Imperial College London)On the Photophysics of Organic Solar Cells with Non-Fullerene Acceptors
11th FebAndreas Lehr (Worth Group)

Dr. Jose Marin Beloqui (Clarke Group)
Quantum Dynamics in Photodissociation Spectroscopy

Donor and Acceptor Dual Character in a Cross-Conjugated Polymer: a Transient Absorption Spectroscopy Study
4th FebFirst Year PhD StudentsIntroduction Talks
28th JanResearch Theme PIsIntroduction Talks
21st JanDr. Lily Ellis-Gibbings (Price Group)Working to improve radiotherapy treatment planning, one molecule at a time